Friday, July 14, 2017

Oral Communication In Context Brings Bond Into Existence

Background. (2016).

     Communication is so powerful for it keeps us in unison. Good communication prolongs a good relationship from one another. It keeps us in control and away from danger as it gives instruction. It also serves as a fuel for someone to get motivated. Also, it is very efficient for us to express our emotions.
     Communicating with others is quite easy if you have a better knowledge in composing your sentences. But, what if you are not grammatically inclined? It could be so challenging for you to express what you are telling about. Grammatical errors are the root of most misunderstanding. It is one of the greatest barrier for someone to understand one another.
     Words, therefore, could destroy one's relationship if it is not use properly. But, it could also be one of the reason for someone to create a good companionship with one another. A good communication is not negotiable but it is from the heart coming out from the mouth. Proper communication brings bond that prolongs and last a lifetime.

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