Saturday, August 26, 2017

A day without Oral Communication

     It is true that some of the greatest moments in life come from moments that are incomplete. As our professor announced that we will not be meeting for two consecutive Monday, everybody shouted and started making noise because of the gladness of our heart. At most, we are two days away from that miserable Monday. It's payback time for those sleepless nights for us to rest, to sleep and to gain energy again. Because in no days, Monday will come again and will ruin our day again from another time around.
     At first, I find myself contented without it but as the days goes by, my day without oral communication was like going outside in the middle of the night and walk around and not actually do anything just observe and think. It was like this week was a mess. It was incomplete. I don't know why I'm feeling this right now because I should be very happy for I wasn't able to meet one of my least favorite subject. But why did it turned on the other way around? Why do I feel like something's missing? Similar with the reaction in the body of alcoholic person whenever he was not able to feed his body some alcohol, same thing goes with me. A day without oral communication is a day wasted. I feel like something is bothering me inside that I should go and look for something that is english-related "thingy." I never thought that I'm gonna be speaking in english everywhere. Even when when I'm about to ride a bus, buy something in the store and so forth. Everyone was somehow confused why I'm speaking in that manner. Even me, I kept on asking myself if am I still Rose Ann. I couldn't believe myself that from being an english carabao speaker, I became a fluent one. It is all because of oral communication. I don't love that subject, it's just that because I'm used to it and it has been playing a big role serving as a fuel in my senior high school life.  I have realized that I don't have to miss out on something that could be amazing just because it could also be difficult.
     I don't know what I want but I do know that something is missing. It's just that I dont know what it is but I can feel it, I really can feel it. I have learned the I should never give up on something I can't go a day without thinking about. It's like how you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top. Climb the mountain not for the world to see you but for you to see the world.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Unity is strength, division is weakness

Blogger's Note: I would want to honor this to my groupmates who never let trials divide us apart.

     We, the individuals will never be an island. It is our nature to provide and to fill one another needs. We all have different personalities but those won't stop us from being united as one. Trully, opposite attracts. Strength lies in differences not in similarities. I can do things that others cannot, others can do things that I cannot but together we can do great things. We are like a wall for no one can break us all.
     I'm very blessed to be one of the members of this group. I never expected that we could present Miss Saigon that well. Marvinne was very passionate in working with others and that made me admire her so much for she always took care of others and don't even mind about herself. I was also surprised with Spencer because I thought that he would never took that seriously but I was wrong. Though, he always get in trouble everytime but that doesn't define him because he really was a good leader. Whenever we have a practice, he always leads us till hell freezes over. Shaira's patience was also tested. She was a short tempered person. I still remember the day when we had a misunderstanding but I was blown away because not in the least I thought that she couldn't control and calm herself that time. A round of applause for her. Janine have showcased her dancing skills. She really was a jaw dropping dancer. We were like "wow, she's very graceful!" She was a good choreographer too. I also thank Trisha, though she's not our groupmate but still she helped us to finish Miss Saigon. She was very kind and very eager to help us. I couldn't help but to be grateful for what she did. She's an angel in disguise leading me why Spencer is really into her. Yes, we were all different but those differences serve as a mighty bond for us all to become one.
     The essence of beautiful is unity in variety. Let us all be independently together. You, yourself and the others, themselves will make a big difference once united together. I'am a member of a team and I rely on the team. I defer for it and sacrifice for it because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion.

Saturday, August 12, 2017


BLOGGER'S NOTE: This is an open speech for the person that I have never showed love for the longest time.
     The dragon that was once as sleep ascended and started slaying everyone he sees. A voice of a thunder and a continuously shooting ball fire always wake me up. He is a loose cannon so you better watch out. Even his other half can't halt him. He was granted with five off springs, unfortunately, I'm one of them.
     Someone I know once ask me what I want in life. I happily answered that I would want to be a papa's girl someday. I would want to spend my whole day around with him watching movies that I love. I would want to travel and get fascinated in different places together with him. But most of all, I would want to feel the love. The love that is burning in bosom. A pure love that a father could ever give to his child. Ever since when I was a kid, I have never experience a time that we had spend hours together. My father has a stable job that time. Eventhough he always gave me toys, I can't still feel the heartbeat that some other kids feel on their father. I don't need any worldly things, I need his time and his attention. I hated the world so much because of him. From that time then, I stand all amaze all by my own. I told myself that I'am not worth loving for. I told myself that I don't need anyone but the truth is they don't need me
     And now, he was paralyse because of an unknown disease. All of the pieces that was once broken are now going back to there proper places. My day is not complete without me taking care of him. It's like heaven in disguise because I feel like we are spending time together everytime I give him food and take him in the bath. My childhood was not perfect. I can't really say that it was fantastic but it was a beautiful tragedy. I'm very thankful that I became his daughter because without him, there will be no "Rose Ann" today. A Rose Ann that is independent enough to stand on her own feet. A strong Rose Ann that always put on the armor of righteousness and perseverance against trials and temptations. I know that time will come that  someone is going to hug me so tight that all of my broken pieces will stick back together.

Friday, August 4, 2017

I failed but I'm not a failure

     Failing is just your first attempt in learning but what if you find yourself failing everytime? They say that you only broke your heart once but everytime I remember that day, it broke my heart over and over again. I know to myself that I have done my part very well. I studied well. I didn't even have enough sleep but I still failed. Am I not enough? Why do I always feel like I'm a big mess?
     I have never failed a class until an Oral Communication in Context came in out of no where. It's really hard for me to cope up and to get over about what happened. I really have to treasure and take care of my scholarship or else, I'm gonna die thinking how to bring that back. But then, last Monday, I failed my oral communication exam. That unit plays a big part in my grades for me to continue studying with a scholarship. I have never failed that big even before. Am' I a failure? Yes, yes I'am.
     I'm Rose Ann Ariola from Bulacan. I used to be the valedictorian of my previous school. I'm not boasting myself, but yes, I may look rich but the truth is I came from a poor family. I'm independent enough because I'm paying my own course of study. After school, it always take me two hours before I arrive in my work. After work, I tend to get in charge in taking care of my paralyse father. I don't even have time to review and to do my homeworks early. I don't even mind eating every night and day just to save money for me to have enough allowance for the whole week. Being a working student and taking care of my father at the same time is not that easy but I have to. Pretty great right? But how is it possible that besides the fact that I'm standing on my own feet, I still feel like I'm not good enough? I really want to see myself the way others see me. Am' I a failure? I guess I'am but a little better.
     I'm a daughter of the most high God. I'm a princess of my father who is a king and of my mother who is a queen. I raised myself all by my own. I know how to stand all by my own. I'am a virtuous woman who find courage within my inner self. Now tell me, Am' I a failure? Nope, I'm not and I will never be like that. From now on, I will keep on telling myself that, yes, I might fail but that doesn't mean that I'm a failure. I should love myself. I'm proud that I'm successfully failing in persuing my quest for perfection because I have realized one thing, I can never be perfect. It is only my imperfections that make me perfect.