The dragon that was once as sleep ascended and started slaying everyone he sees. A voice of a thunder and a continuously shooting ball fire always wake me up. He is a loose cannon so you better watch out. Even his other half can't halt him. He was granted with five off springs, unfortunately, I'm one of them.
Someone I know once ask me what I want in life. I happily answered that I would want to be a papa's girl someday. I would want to spend my whole day around with him watching movies that I love. I would want to travel and get fascinated in different places together with him. But most of all, I would want to feel the love. The love that is burning in bosom. A pure love that a father could ever give to his child. Ever since when I was a kid, I have never experience a time that we had spend hours together. My father has a stable job that time. Eventhough he always gave me toys, I can't still feel the heartbeat that some other kids feel on their father. I don't need any worldly things, I need his time and his attention. I hated the world so much because of him. From that time then, I stand all amaze all by my own. I told myself that I'am not worth loving for. I told myself that I don't need anyone but the truth is they don't need me And now, he was paralyse because of an unknown disease. All of the pieces that was once broken are now going back to there proper places. My day is not complete without me taking care of him. It's like heaven in disguise because I feel like we are spending time together everytime I give him food and take him in the bath. My childhood was not perfect. I can't really say that it was fantastic but it was a beautiful tragedy. I'm very thankful that I became his daughter because without him, there will be no "Rose Ann" today. A Rose Ann that is independent enough to stand on her own feet. A strong Rose Ann that always put on the armor of righteousness and perseverance against trials and temptations. I know that time will come that someone is going to hug me so tight that all of my broken pieces will stick back together.
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